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Manage PCOS symptoms, naturally.

PCOS is estimated to impact 1 in 8 women in North America! With proper treatment, PCOS symptoms can be managed and women can maintain long-term, regular menstrual cycles, and fertility can be restored if that is a goal. Although the name of this syndrome implies it is a condition of the ovaries, it is actually a result of insulin resistance, imbalanced sex hormones, overstimulation of the adrenal glands, excess inflammation or a combination of these causes.

Traditional treatment of PCOS involves using hormonal birth control to shut down the hormonal system and produce monthly bleeds. However, this approach does not address the underlying causative factors at play. When women are ready to come off of their hormonal birth control, the PCOS is still present and can impact the ability to get pregnant if ovulation is not restored. PCOS is also associated with long-term risk factors that are not addressed by hormonal birth control including an increased risk for cardiovascular disease and type two diabetes.

Common Symptoms of PCOS Treated:

  • Hair loss or thinning

  • Acne (especially around the jawline)

  • Menstrual cycles longer than 35 days or no cycles at all

  • Unwanted hair growth on the face or chest

  • Areas of dark, velvety discolouration in body folds and creases (acanthosis nigricans)

  • Difficulty getting pregnant (PCOS is the most common cause of female infertility)

  • Weight gain


Once a diagnosis of PCOS is confirmed, we work to determine which of the root causes are at play in your unique body. Blood work to evaluate hormone levels, insulin sensitivity, adrenal hormone output as well as inflammatory markers is used to determine what your PCOS drivers are.


Once your unique cause of PCOS is uncovered, a treatment plan will be put together to address your symptoms and target the root of the imbalance. With proper treatment, PCOS is reversible and women can maintain long-term, regular menstrual cycles, and fertility can be restored.

Treatment always includes a dietary assessment with a focus on reducing foods that have the greatest impact on insulin. Evidence-based botanical medicines and nutraceuticals are commonly used to balance sex hormones and impact adrenal hormone output and reduce insulin levels and inflammation. Bioidentical progesterone can also be used to restore regular cycling.

Other Women’s Health conditions treated include:

Acne, Amenorrhea, Bacterial Vaginosis, Breast Pain, Chronic UTIs, Endometriosis, Fertility, Fibrocystic Breasts, Hair Loss, Heavy Bleeding, Menopause (hot Flashes, vaginal dryness, sleep, mood), Ovarian Cysts, Pelvic Pain, PCOS, PMDD, PMS, Post Birth Control Syndrome, Yeast Infections